Greenline Marketing Blog

AI Shenanigans: Trends and Updates

Written by Bridget Deutz | Mar 15, 2024 8:42:00 PM

St. Patrick's day is almost here! For now, Chicago's Green River is stealing the show, but Artificial Intelligence (AI) is this year’s talk of the tech town amidst this yearly Irish spectacle. AI is better, but not perfect, at solving complex problems with greater accuracy thanks to its continuously expansive knowledge and enhanced problem-solving capabilities.

Chat Four Leaf Clover (GPT-4)

The emergence of GPT-4 represents a leap forward in generative AI technology. This advanced model, developed by OpenAI, has received much attention for its ability to understand and generate human-like text and images. Imagine a leprechaun capable of spinning tales, writing epics, and solving riddles in the blink of an eye — that's GPT-4 for you. It's a large, multimodal AI model ready to craft text, code, translate, and even create across different formats. GPT-4 is available through the ChatGPT Plus subscription; it’s like having your lucky shamrock to improve your projects.

Pot of Gold: Features and Enhancements

  • Versatile Interaction: GPT-4 is not just about text; it's a multimodal model capable of understanding and generating content, performing complex tasks like coding, translating, and even interacting with images
  • Enhanced Creativity and Contextual Understanding: With the ability to process extensive text up to 25,000 words and interact with visual inputs, GPT-4 brings creativity and contextual understanding to new heights, allowing for a broader range of applications
  • Safety and Accuracy: Designed with a focus on safety, GPT-4 reduces the likelihood of generating inappropriate content and is 40% more accurate than before, addressing challenges of bias and misinformation more effectively

About Chat GPT-4: Distinguishing Features

  • Image Processing: A new feature enabling the model to understand and interact with visual information
  • Expanded Text Understanding: The capacity to handle significantly more text, offering nuanced interactions
  • Advanced Programming Skills: Enhanced abilities in coding tasks, showcasing the potential to develop from simple scripts to complex programs
  • Academic Excellence: Demonstrated capabilities in passing challenging exams, reflecting its potential as a learning and problem-solving tool
  • Humor and Creativity: A refined sense of humor and creativity, making interactions more engaging and personalized

What Google’s Gemini Era Brings to the Table:

As you might have heard, in mid-February 2024, Google updated its AI model, Bard, to Gemini to account for its new state-of-the-art approach, which is taking the Google suite by storm.

  • Deeper Google Investment in AI: Google’s commitment to AI research and development is focused on fueling improvements across their products and services, from Search to Workspace.
  • Introducing the Gemini Ecosystem: Gemini represents an entire ecosystem encompassing cutting-edge models, developer tools, and APIs, opening doors for innovation and collaboration within the Google suite
  • Unleashing the Power of Ultra 1.0: The Gemini Ultra 1.0 model is the crown jewel. This powerhouse AI surpasses human experts in massive multitask language understanding, demonstrating its capabilities.
  • Introducing Gemini Advanced: While a free version exists, Google introduces Gemini Advanced, a subscription service offering enhanced features like stronger reasoning, improved instruction following, coding assistance, and support for creative collaboration.
  • Gemini Integrates with Your Workflow: The future of work gets a boost! Gemini will soon be integrated with Workspace applications like Gmail, Docs, and Sheets. This promises to enhance productivity and unleash creative potential. Businesses using Google Cloud will benefit from Gemini's integration, improving productivity, development processes, and cybersecurity.
  • Focus on Developers and Responsible Innovation: Google realizes developers' role in the Gemini ecosystem. They've promised more details on upcoming features specifically designed for developers. Additionally, Google emphasizes its commitment to responsible advancement and deployment of AI technology.
  • The Future is Bright: The best is yet to come! Google is already working on the next generation of Gemini models, pushing the boundaries of AI even further.

Choosing the Right AI Chatbot for You: Gemini Advanced vs. ChatGPT Plus

With the rise of AI chatbots, navigating the options can be overwhelming. Before diving in, it's important to note that free versions of chatbots are widely available. However, paid subscriptions offer more advanced features and capabilities. Chatbots are still under development, and their outputs can sometimes be inaccurate. Make sure you consider your specific needs before making your choice. Let's see how these powerhouses stack up.

  • Free vs. Paid: While free options exist, paid subscriptions like Gemini Advanced and ChatGPT Plus unlock advanced features that can significantly enhance your workflow or creative process.
  • Gemini Advanced: This Google offering boasts access to the powerful Gemini Ultra 1.0 model and comes bundled with two terabytes of cloud storage through Google One. Gemini Advanced shines in tasks like summarizing factual topics and rephrasing emails in a professional tone.
  • ChatGPT Plus: OpenAI's contender offers access to GPT-4 and Dall-E 3, providing strong, text-based creative features. Additionally, the GPT store allows users to build and share custom versions of ChatGPT, catering to specific needs. However, email rephrasing might not be its forte.
  • Copilot Pro: This Microsoft offering utilizes the same underlying technology as ChatGPT Plus, offering access to GPT-4 and Dall-E 3. It differentiates itself by integrating seamlessly with Microsoft Office products.

When choosing your champion, the best option depends on your individual needs. Gemini Advanced might be the perfect fit if cloud storage and handling factual tasks are your priorities. However, if creative writing and text-based projects are your focus, ChatGPT Plus could be a strong contender. Keep in mind that Microsoft's Copilot Pro offers similar capabilities focusing on Microsoft Office integration.

AI Gold Rush

Like the frenzy of the gold rush, where prospectors sought to strike it rich, the AI landscape is experiencing its own dash, with innovations like GPT-4 leading the charge. More than half of companies have used generative AI in their business just one year since ChatGPT was released, and with the launch of GPT-4, these numbers are skyrocketing.

A recent study by François Candelon from Boston Consulting Group showcases how AI can benefit businesses. Unlike a tricky leprechaun, this approach AI isn't here to pinch us but to work alongside us, especially in creative tasks like designing new merch or planning engaging social media campaigns. Like finding that pot of gold at the end of the rainbow, businesses need to be strategic in using AI, ensuring it complements our human skills rather than overshadowing them. With this clever use of human creativity and AI smarts, we're sure to discover improved performance.

Companies like Nvidia are at the forefront of driving the AI revolution forward. With its cutting-edge chips, systems, and software, Nvidia has played a pivotal role in shaping the AI landscape. The company's recent milestone of reaching a $2 trillion valuation underscores the growing importance of AI in the digital economy. It reinforces the notion that AI is a transformative force that is here to stay.


AI Brewing in Marketing

Just as Guinness brews the perfect blend for Saint Patty’s Day, AI can help you craft content and strategies that resonate deeply with audiences. It's not just about generating catchy phrases or visually appealing ads; AI delves into the depths of data to understand what captivates us, tailoring messages that speak directly to our interests and needs. From creating compelling blog outlines to optimizing digital ad placements, AI can help you critique every piece of your strategy. Hence, it’s like the perfect sip of Guinness that leaves the audience wanting more.

AI makes it possible to personalize content on a grand scale, using smart segmentation and predictive analytics to send messages at the right time and place. This makes digital interactions feel more like a friendly conversation at the pub as opposed to just another faceless marketing tactic. Integrating AI in platforms from TikTok to Slack further illustrates how AI tools become 24/7 assistants, helping create engaging content and facilitating smoother communications.


Marketing - and Beyond’s - Lucky Charm

Imagine having a lucky charm that helps you solve problems - that's what AI is becoming for us. New tech like quantum computing makes AI even brighter, helping fields like medicine and finance find new cures. AI is set to become even more intertwined in our lives. From making gadgets smarter to creating safer cars, the possibilities are endless. As AI keeps learning and growing, it will become even better at understanding what we need and want, making life easier and more fun.


Shamrockin' and Rollin' with AI

In the spirit of St. Patrick's Day, let's celebrate AI initiatives embodying fun energy. AI-driven apps that curate the best local events, music recommendation systems that create the perfect Irish folk playlist, and chatbots that engage users with St. Paddy's Day trivia are examples of how AI can enhance our festive experiences, making every moment more memorable.

AI is like the green Chicago river of technology that keeps getting bigger and more exciting. From helping us work smarter in marketing to making celebrations like St. Patrick's Day more fun, AI is here to stay. So, let's keep exploring, learning, and embracing AI advancements - making our world more interactive. Happy St. Paddy's celebrations, and may the luck of the A-Irish be with you!