Greenline Marketing Blog

Top 5 Online Marketing Trends of 2020

Written by Bridget Deutz | Jan 16, 2020 1:49:00 PM

Each new year brings new trends. From coconut milk, to cronuts, to crop tops, to custom content - times are always changing. Yes, content marketing fits in the same sentence as food and fashion trends; even the marketing world evolves. 

The marketing world continues to move in directions that can feel unpredictable. Who would’ve thought one day we would need to consider the keywords we use based on the fact that our audience will now be talking (voice search) instead of just typing at their computer? And some Boomers would say, who would have ever thought you could just type it into a machine?

We’ve compiled a list of the top five projected online marketing trends for 2020. It’s important to take note of these trends, even if they seem silly, unrealistic, or just not useful. Staying up-to-date on the newest trends in the marketing world can give you the upper hand. And ultimately, it can give you results.

1. customer experience

Everyone knows the phrase “the customer is always right”. But in 2020, this motto will be taken to the next level. Customers want to know they’re being taken care of and they want to know their interests matter. They don’t necessarily need to be convinced to buy your product, but rather, they need to be shown that they will be valued as a customer. 

Customers don’t just expect to be told about products and services. Now they are out there actively seeking their own information. Customers expect something more than strictly information… they want an experience - visuals, video, stories, etc.

73% of people say customer experience is an important factor in their buying decisions. However, only 49% of consumers say today’s companies provide what they consider “a good experience.” Time and energy spent on the delight phase of your customer’s experience will be time well-spent.

2. personalization

We no longer live in a world where you can generalize messages to mass audiences and get away with it. As consumers, we want personalization, and we will reward businesses who go out of their way to do so. This goes hand-in-hand with #1 - we want a great experience, and we want it personalized to us.

In the digital world we live in, it has become easier to really know your audience. By taking advantage of this increased knowledge, it can help to know what consumers expect from their favorite brands. According to Epsilon, a whopping 80% of consumers said they’d be more likely to do business with a brand that provides a personalized experience, than one that doesn’t. 

If you show your current and potential customers you’re paying attention and you care, it could really pay off. Consumers start to tune out the generic advertisements but will likely pay more attention to those who pay attention to them.

3. visualization

All things visual, mean all things marketing. In a world where video and visual content rules all, seeing is believing. In fact, colored visuals increase people’s desire to read content by 80%. If you can create visuals to attract consumers, you can draw them in to learn more. 

Consider this: Instagram and Pinterest have become increasingly more popular over the past couple of years. Why is that? It’s simple...because they are image-based. Humans are wired to be attracted to pretty, flashy, and bright things. Visuals draw our attention and get us interested. Not to mention posts with images produce 180% more engagement. It’s important to include dynamic visuals with your content. Catch their eye, get their attention, and leave an impression.

4. video marketing

Hand-in-hand with visualization, comes video marketing. This is the type of content consumers are expecting to see - and not just on social media, but on your website, blog, and email marketing. Video draws in the consumer and keeps them interested. 

Video marketing may seem daunting at first, but learning the basics is the best way to start. Consumers don’t expect “Hollywood-ready” film...even short video clips on social media is a great attention-grabber. Studies show people are 85% more likely to buy a product after watching a video about it. Sometimes photos alone just won’t cut it.

5. influencer Marketing

Implementing influencers in your marketing plan could really help grow reach, drive sales, and build followers. This type of word-of-mouth marketing is a great way to get your audience both interested and invested. In fact, 58% of people have purchased a new product in the past six months because of an influencer’s recommendation. 

We’re all familiar with advertisements featuring a celebrity or well-known figure to persuade consumers or give a testimonial about a particular product or brand. Using influencers is the new-age version of that tactic. The influencer marketing industry is projected to be worth $5-$10 billion by the end of 2020. Influencers are generally individuals who know enough about the product or service to market for it, but they also act as a buffer between the business and the consumer. They are the “average-joe” that consumers can connect with. Influencer marketing is generally seen as more authentic than traditional marketing and people are really loving it. In fact, it is found that 17% of companies spend over half of their marketing budget on influencers… that’s a good chunk of their budget. 

The definition of “marketing” is constantly changing and adapting to the new ways of consumerism and communication. Some say that’s what is fun about marketing, and some say that’s what is challenging. But there’s one thing for sure, if you’re not on top of what the trends are, you’re probably falling behind.