Greenline Marketing Blog

Coffee, Clicks, & Coastlines: My Intern Experience

Written by Claire Fredrickson | Jun 4, 2024 5:31:00 PM

This is the story of my incredible journey interning with Greenline over the past two and a half years. I have grown in more ways than I can count, both personally and professionally. My personality has started to shine through in my writing, and I’ve come to enjoy every second of creating content for Greenline. From blogs fueled by the Local Blend’s toasted marshmallow lattes to ones powered by Freddo Cappuccinos and Vietnamese coffee, each experience has been as diverse as the flavors that accompanied them.

Humble Beginnings

In the fall of my sophomore year of college, I applied to intern with Greenline on a whim, and I honestly had no idea how much it would change my life. I might not have been the most qualified for the position, but I was ready to work hard and jump in. There was a huge learning curve in the first few months. I remember talking to Bridget about my struggles and pushing through, and before long, I was off to the races. I got in the groove of things, understood what I was doing, and fell in love with my work. At the start of my internship, I felt a mix of excitement and nervousness, but I quickly adapted and transformed these initial jitters into a period of growth and learning.

Fast forward to today, 98 blogs deep (and counting!), I'm no longer that newbie. Greenline has become my creative playground, a place to connect the dots between abstract ideas and teach people without putting them to sleep. From working all across the world — from Saint Joe, Minnesota, to Athens, Greece, to Hanoi, Vietnam — I’ve been inspired by art, nature, and, of course, marketing - all over the world.

Bridget has always been a role model to me. What I didn't see coming was how her guidance would not only refine my marketing skills but also boost my confidence and ignite a passion for the field. This blog is a tribute to the invaluable lessons I've learned under her mentorship. Bridget's positive influence and guidance helped me improve specific skills like writing, communication, and design. Now, I would call Bridget more than just a mentor but a friend.

CHaos & Creativity

Working remotely while interning came with its own set of challenges and benefits. Managing time zones and staying focused despite beautifully distracting views were just a few. Mornings and late nights were for content creation, while afternoons were spent exploring ancient ruins with friends that became family, talking about multitasking!

The journey wasn't always smooth sailing. There were moments of "no Wi-Fi on a plane?!" and the occasional "oops, posted at 2 am local time" chaos. Let's not forget the time jetlag turned my fingers into rogue typists, accidentally posting on Bridget's personal LinkedIn from Greece! (Lesson learned: double-check the profile before hitting publish!)

But hey, that's the beauty of remote work: a little chaos sprinkled with paradise. From Saint Joe, Minnesota, to the bustling streets of Hanoi, Vietnam, Greenline has allowed me to experience the world while sharpening my marketing skills. Each misstep taught me something invaluable, and every success was a stepping stone to becoming the creative I am today.

Content Creation with a Global Twist

Greenline became my creative playground, where I could connect the dots between abstract marketing concepts and real-world applications. Each project was a new sandbox, whether I was inspired by the vibrant streets of Hanoi or the tranquil shores of Greece. My responsibilities at Greenline included social media and blog management. My best blog post idea definitely came after a swim in the Aegean Sea — who knew inspiration could be so refreshing?

Blog Post Birthplaces

My travel vlogs weren't just about capturing stunning sunsets (although, believe me, there were plenty of those!). Along with starting to discover my own personal brand, they were also about diving into experiences that felt otherworldly. From cliff jumping on the lunar-like landscape of Sarakiniko beach and immersing myself in the vibrant hustle and bustle of a moped ride through Saigon's night markets, each experience left a mark on me.

These adventures deeply influenced my blog posts, such as "4 Tips for Leveraging User-Generated Content." Each experience provided rich, firsthand insights into the world of marketing. Witnessing the power of short-form video, for instance, when I returned from my travels and shared clips with friends and family — or even created a video for the McNeely Center annual dinner — shined a light on the true power of Short-Form Video.

Stumbling upon local festivals in Vietnam and feeling their pure joy inspired me to write "Living in the Moment: Embracing the Era of Experiential Living." Each experience became a springboard for a fresh marketing perspective. Travel vlogging wasn't just a hobby; it was a crucial connection point where I unearthed inspiration by experiencing marketing trends firsthand.

Marketing on the Move

Technology tools were the backbone of my remote internship, making it possible to stay productive no matter where I was. Project management apps like Monday and HubSpot, along with communication platforms like Slack, kept me organized and connected. Whether working from ferries or airplanes, I relied on downloading Google documents for offline use… forget Netflix downloads!

Bridging the Knowledge Gap

From morning brainstorming sessions by the Aegean Sea to late-night content creation fueled by Vietnamese coffee, my internship at Greenline has been an eye-opening adventure in the world of remote marketing. This experience seamlessly connected back to concepts from my coursework, such as teamwork, technology, and business foundations, but was elevated to a whole new level by the travel I was able to do alongside it. The internship transformed theoretical concepts into real-world applications, enriched by each destination. Remote work isn't just about flexibility; it's about merging work with the richness of life experiences.

The World is My Office

Taking a leap of faith can lead to unexpected and wonderful places. When I applied to Greenline, I had no idea that decision would take me on a journey across continents and through countless learning experiences. Working from a sunlit café in Greece, a bustling co-working space in Vietnam, and a cozy corner of a Minnesota library, all in the span of a single internship. You can’t always be working half a world away from where you call home, but a Minnesota backyard on a summer day is pretty inspiring, too! My time at Greenline has redefined the concept of an office and shown me that creativity knows no boundaries.

Beyond Marketing

My remote internship at Greenline wasn't just about marketing (though I did learn a ton!). It really forced me to level up my life skills. Juggling that with running University Drip definitely boosted my time management and self-discipline. Plus, it threw some curveballs that made me an on-the-fly thinker – skills that came in handy everywhere, from studying abroad to brainstorming with the Entrepreneurship Center at CSBSJU. Greenline was like the magic glue that pulled all these experiences together. Each experience helped me see the bigger picture and take everything I learned to the next level. It felt like I could squeeze every drop of value out of each opportunity, and that's what really fueled my growth.

Connecting the Dots

My Greenline experience is like living in a real-life agora – a vibrant hub of learning and community. It's here that I've discovered the "good life" isn't just about personal goals but about weaving them with the common good. Authentic conversations, the kind we have at Greenline every day, are the key to unlocking both.

Greenline redefined what marketing means for me. It's not just pushing products; it's about building genuine connections and fostering a brand community. Greenline values respect, hospitality, and stewardship. Understanding what people truly care about allows us to create impactful campaigns that contribute to the greater good. This is how marketing becomes a force for positive change, something Greenline actively embodies."

Gearing up for the Next Adventure

With my marketing toolkit and passport in hand, I'm ready to tackle new challenges and explore exciting career opportunities in the world of remote marketing. Who knows, maybe my next meeting will be from a hammock in Tahiti! Traveling and working remotely in marketing fuels my creativity, and while living the dream, how could it ever get better than that?