A Line from Greenline

Claire Fredrickson

Claire Fredrickson
Claire is a Junior at the College of Saint Benedict in St. Joseph, MN. She is currently pursuing her Bachelors degree in Global Business and has been an intern with Greenline Marketing since January, 2022.
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Recent Posts

Remote Work: Expectation vs. Reality, an Intern's Perspective

In addition to interning for Greenline, I spent the last four months of 2022 exploring Greece and traveling all around Europe. This incredible experience taught me countless things about the world - as well as remote work. Sitting in a cafe in Athens, Greece inspired me on a different level. When experiencing new things, you’re fostering new ways of thinking and creating. Now, I continue my internship with a new view on remote work.

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Claire Fredrickson · Feb 23, 2023

A Year of Blogging: What I've Learned as an Intern

With a year under my belt as an intern for Greenline, it’s time to take a look back. Blogging has been one of the biggest sources of growth for me as an intern this year and will likely continue to be in the year to come. I’ve learned and grown more than I ever thought was possible through blogging. From getting into a routine, transforming the way I write, following trends, and developing some grit to get through the ruts and writer’s block, I am so thankful for it all.

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Claire Fredrickson · Jan 17, 2023