A Line from Greenline

Digital Storytelling: Crafting Compelling Narratives in a Digital World

Once upon a time in the not-so-far-away digital land of stories, marketers began weaving narratives to connect with their audience through their screens. Storytelling lets you infuse authenticity into your messages and share adventures with your audience. Companies with great stories have a 20% increase in customer loyalty. Think of it this way: You are the author of your own series, where the characters aren’t make-believe. They are the people your business interacts with (your audience and business partners.) Elevate your inbound marketing by developing a solid identity through captivating stories.

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Bridget Deutz · Jan 25, 2024

Influencers, Press, and Relationships: Your Digital PR Power Trio

Every marketer dreams of basking in the limelight, but the struggle to boost exposure extends beyond content marketing - it's a Public Relations (PR) challenge. Almost every marketer has struggled with finding ways to enhance visibility. Overcoming this hurdle requires a strategic approach; this is where the digital PR power trio comes into play: influencers, press, and relationships. By leveraging the collective strength of these elements, marketers can creatively address exposure challenges and make a lasting impact.

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Emily Pederson · Dec 28, 2023

A Year of Blogging: What I've Learned as an Intern

With a year under my belt as an intern for Greenline, it’s time to take a look back. Blogging has been one of the biggest sources of growth for me as an intern this year and will likely continue to be in the year to come. I’ve learned and grown more than I ever thought was possible through blogging. From getting into a routine, transforming the way I write, following trends, and developing some grit to get through the ruts and writer’s block, I am so thankful for it all.

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Claire Fredrickson · Jan 17, 2023

6 Best Ways to Promote Your Blog

If your business has a blog with great content, you want people to see it! Blogging is an impactful way to connect with customers and drive traffic to your website. Having a blog can also help your brand be seen by loads of new and potential customers. On average, companies that blog receive 55% more website visitors than those that don’t. In fact, 70% of consumers today learn about a company through articles - not ads. 

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Bridget Deutz · Aug 19, 2021

Tips For Generating the Best Blog Topics

Blogging is great for business, in fact, businesses with a blog get 55% more website visitors than businesses that don’t. The hard part, however, is picking the right content to publish on your blog. It can be difficult to know what your consumers are looking for or what sort of questions they may have - we get it! We’re here to help and give you some great tips to generate the best blog tips for your audience.

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Bridget Deutz · May 25, 2021

Blogging & Podcasts ... and Vlogging and Vodcasts?

There are many forms of content your business can publish and share. Whether it’s on social media or your website, content is important for keeping your consumers engaged with your business. We often talk about the benefits of having a blog for your business. Blogging can result in a 434% increase in indexed pages and a 97% increase in indexed links. In fact, companies that do have blogs have shown to have an average of 67% more leads monthly than businesses that don’t. And along with blogs, podcasts are also a great way to increase engagement and further your brand’s reach. Podcasts offer that awesome potential of audio content. Not to mention, 16 million people in the US are avid podcast fans - that’s a big listening audience. 

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Bridget Deutz · May 20, 2021