Bridget Deutz, the owner and founder of Greenline Marketing, was presented with the Emerging Leader Award from the American Advertising Federation of Central MN on February 29, 2020

The American Advertising Federation of Central MN describes an emerging leader as an “individual who has begun to further industry standards, creative excellence, and responsibility in areas of social concern. Someone who has an exemplary work ethic, pushes the envelope, challenges the impossible, embraces the unknown, and continually innovates.”
Deutz was both excited and honored to be selected, she said. "Receiving this award reminded me that I'm very lucky to be surrounded by a lot of people who cheer me on, are happy for and proud of me, and recognize the hard work I - but really we all - do for our clients and in the name of marketing. So many people in Central MN are worthy of this award, and I am honored to work alongside and collaborate with the other young professionals doing big things in the creative industry. A number of friends, colleagues, mentors, and clients sat in the crowd as my name was called up on stage, and they all helped me get there. Central MN has a lot to offer when it comes to support and creativity, and it's great to be a part of it."
This award was created in 2017 to acknowledge young professional men and women who are currently making distinguished contributions in the marketing, advertising, design and/or communication fields. In order to be considered for this award, one must be a young professional who has already proved to be making an impact in their company and with their clients.
"You don't have to know Bridget long to know she's a real champion of the creative industry. From the very start of her young professional years, she has been recognized as a leader and expert in many ways. Speaking at international conferences, conducting workshops and trainings both locally and nationally, and being published online are all ways she's shared her knowledge and learnings to help others and continue pushing the creative industry and those around it forward,” said Sandy, a nominating client.
Bridget is the type of young professional and emerging leader every community wants - if there's a way she can help or be involved, she's there.”