If you were allowed to add more of one thing to your life what would it be? For many of us, the answer probably has something to do with having more time on our hands. Well, I’m not a genie, but audio content provides you with the means to be one step closer to having more time to listen to, and do, the things you love most.
What is Audio Content?
Audio content in marketing is material that can be absorbed through our ears. Most of us consume this content every day by listening to music, radio, and podcasts. In the United States, the average person listens to audio content for around 2 hours a day. There is so much room for creativity in this industry because it’s basically any medium that provides auditory entertainment.
Audio content is typically developed using one of three methods:
- Turning writing to spoken word A.K.A: natural language processing (NLP). (Lots of textbooks use this)
- Recording your voice. (Streaming services mainly rely on this creative content form.)
- Recognizing voice commands through Artificial Intelligence technology. (This one is focused on communication between both parties.)
The Rise of Audio Content
The popularity of audio content in the business world is growing. Audio content is a great way to show your brand voice to potential customers. Audio content is also effective in improving user experience (UX) and developing ways to communicate with your client base.
Audio content is a huge part of society and this form of media is ever-evolving through new technology in Artificial Intelligence. Alexa and Siri are some of the newest innovations in the field that have led to the rebirth of audio content. There are over 4.2 billion digital voice assistants worldwide. The audio experience is becoming increasingly immersive through the innovations in Bluetooth technology like smart speakers, AirPods, car radios, and so many more implications. Audio is a perfect way to engage your audience because it is becoming more and more like real-life conversations. The great thing about this is its unique capability to interact with people in a channel that doesn't require someone’s full attention.
How is Audio Content different from video content or written content?
Unlike video or written formats, audio content is created to be easily consumable on the go. All of us have busy lives, so the easier it is to add something into our schedules, the better. As humans, speaking and listening are the most basic forms of communication. So, we’re accustomed to this medium without even really thinking about it. Audio content is the easiest form of content to digest because of this. 54% say spoken-word audio engages their mind in a more positive way than other media.
Audio content is easy to interact with which is a big plus, and on top of that, we all get sick of the more visual forms of marketing sometimes. With audio content, you don’t need to stare at a screen. You are able to do more than one thing while listening, making it the most popular form of content. 71% of monthly listeners love audio content because it enables multitasking. You can enjoy audio content while driving to work, making dinner, or walking your dog. It’s changing the way everyone multitasks.
How + Why is Audio Content Valuable?
Audio is a relatable channel for people to tune into. According to a study published by IAB, around 2/3 of listeners say they’re more likely to consider purchasing a product based on a podcast recommendation or an audio ad from a podcast they like. So, there’s a lot of potential to turn these types of audio content into a vibrant tool for lead generation.
Audio adds more depth to your content strategy. Exposing your brand to new audiences will help diversify your campaigns. So many people love audio content from the tech-savvy with smart homes to the seniors with old-fashioned radios. 45% say spoken-word audio is becoming a more important part of their life. You should get to know your target audience and start listening to the content they love. I mean, that’s a good strategy for every platform, not just audio, but knowing what types of podcasts your buyer personas listen to is the number one way to create better audio content.
5 Tips for Implementing Audio Content in Marketing
1. Make it Personal
2. Remarket Old Content
If you’ve already started writing blogs, recording them is an easy way to get your feet off the ground with your audio content strategy. Google is actually working on making audio content more searchable, so getting a head start on creating more audio elements for your brand is a great way to get ahead of the game. Having written and audio elements within your marketing content makes an experience more human.
3. Be a Guest
Dip your toes in by being featured on another company’s audio platform. You can learn a lot from experiencing how they do it, and you can get a lot more exposure in a new way. Being a guest on other businesses’ audio content series. This is a great way to introduce yourself to new audiences, and a regular conversation between you and a host can be very entertaining. Podcasts are one of the top channels to make an appearance on because podcast listening has grown by 200% in the last 5 years.
4. Quality over Quantity
Quality is a big one with audio because you don’t have any other elements to make up for the lack of quality. People will probably be multitasking while listening so make sure that it’s easy for them. If your audio is poor quality, people will quit paying attention. A high-quality microphone and good audio editing are essential for interesting content.
5. Take Advantage of New Tech
The developments of the audio industry are changing fast, and some of the newest innovations are in the realm of AI. 30% of web browsing sessions happen without a screen through ‘voice-first interactions.’ You’ve probably at some point asked your smartphone for directions while driving, that’s voice-powered AI. Voice-activated devices like iPhones, Amazon Echo, Google Home, and even smart cars, are becoming increasingly popular and essential to our fast-paced world. Voice assistant users conduct 3.1 billion voice searches each month. To take advantage of all the new gadgets in voice recognition technology and receive a high ranking in voice searches, it’s important to target questions and phrases instead of keywords in your SEO strategy.
Developments in the audio world are continuing to enhance the listener’s experience. Audio content is becoming increasingly important across industries. Audio content resonates with the audience in ways that other forms of media struggle with. People are looking for a one-on-one connection with brands and audio provides a unique touch. Tech needs more human connection than ever, and opportunities are readily available through audio content.