Fall Cleaning: How to Keep Your HubSpot Portal Clean & Efficient
As the leaves change colors and the weather turns cooler, it's not just your yard that could use a little seasonal cleaning. Your HubSpot portal, the heart of your marketing operations, could also use some tidying up. A well-organized HubSpot account can boost productivity and keep your marketing efforts on track. With the air turning crisp, there’s no better time to sit down with a pumpkin spice latte and get some fall HubSpot portal cleaning done.
AI Insight Series Recap: How to use AI with Marketing
If you’ve been keeping up with our AI series, you’ve probably put together that by leveraging the power of artificial intelligence, marketers can now deliver highly personalized and targeted content. Over 31% of marketers say the top success story they see with AI is getting a better understanding of the customer.
AI Insight Series: AI and Video
Good video is a lot of work to produce, even for the most experienced Hollywood directors. By 2030, Gartner predicts that a major blockbuster film will be released with 90% of the film generated by AI, from text to video. Artificial intelligence (AI) has significantly improved video creation, analysis, understanding, and streaming. Videos are integral to any marketing campaign; however, they can be tedious and difficult to create if you aren't a pro or are short on time and budget. Nonetheless, over 86% of marketing professionals use video as a marketing tool. AI's integration into video applications enhances how we interact with and enjoy video content. AI-generated videos are created using algorithms that analyze text, images, and audio to produce a video output. Traditional videos that require extensive manual input, AI-generated videos streamline the process.
10 FAQs on Using Video Content in Marketing
Content marketing is all about attracting people to your brand. One of the best ways to increase engagement through dynamic content is, you guessed it, video. The bond that video fosters between your company and the audience is one that static content couldn’t dream of achieving. Using people within videos has proven to be especially effective for businesses. Video marketing can serve as an emotional connection point for businesses to interact with potential clients in a media-packed world.
Most Important Social Algorithm Changes You Need to Know About
Over 80% of social media marketers say their top strategy is focused on increasing engagement across all channels. Keeping your audience entertained starts with understanding the platforms they’re using. The accounts that see the biggest boost from the algorithm gods keep things interesting and post unique content on a regular basis.
Unless you live under a rock, you’ve probably heard the chatter about artificial intelligence (AI) and its benefits and implications. This new era of tech is the biggest innovation since the birth of the personal computer in the 1970s and the smartphone in the early 2000s. Although many wonder about the possibilities of AI in the decades to come, we are still a long way off from catching a ride in a flying Uber and being able to record our dreams. For now, in 2023, we are still in the early days of AI, but with all the opportunities new technology provides to make life easier, here are a few answers to help you gain some insight into the new wave of technology that’s headed to shore.