A Line from Greenline

The Psychology of Persuasion: How Behavioral Science Powers Effective Marketing

A deep understanding of human behavior lies at the heart of every successful marketing campaign. The best marketers are tuned into their audience. They connect with people on a deeper level, tap into their motivations, and influence actions by leveraging the power of behavioral science. Let’s unravel the complex nature of why we make the choices we do.

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Bridget Deutz · Dec 19, 2023

How to Include Video Marketing on a Small Budget

Mastering video marketing on a budget is one of the smartest things you can do as an up-and-coming marketer. You may have heard content is king, but video stands out as real royalty. In 2023, online video accounted for 82.5% of all web traffic. Video is capable of capturing attention and driving engagement like no other. While you might associate great video campaigns with million-dollar budgets, that’s not always the case. The reality is that a compelling video marketing strategy is within reach, regardless of where your budgets are at. Integrating video into your strategic plan without breaking the bank is all about being savvy with your resources.

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Emily Pederson · Dec 11, 2023

Zooming into Personalized Marketing with Geographic Segmentation

Geographic segmentation is your magnifying glass into your audience. Using geographic segmentation elevates your marketing tool kit so you can create an exceptional customer experience. Think of your local radio station, broadcasting music - and relevant content - that caters to the tastes of the local listeners, this is geographic segmentation. Marketing to segments based on their location, city, or even the area’s quirky characteristics opens the door for you to personalize your marketing. Localized marketing is a great tool for engagement and relationship building.


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Bridget Deutz · Dec 5, 2023

Navigating the Future of Marketing: 7 Trends to Watch for in 2024

Keeping an open mind is key to success in all areas of your personal and professional life, especially when it comes to planning for the future. An open mind allows you to adapt, learn, and grow, and it can lead to more rewarding results and a deeper understanding of the world around you. Adapting to new technologies will be pivotal to marketing success in 2024 and beyond, especially with AI on the radar. Nine out of 10 social media marketers say an active online community is critical to success in 2024. This coming year’s marketing landscape will be shaped by technological advancements and evolving buyer behaviors.


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Bridget Deutz · Nov 28, 2023

Let’s Get Creative: Unleash Your Potential With Better Brainstorming

The process of brainstorming, when done right, is a goldmine filled with creative gems. Purposeful and fresh approaches to your audiences’ problems unearth groundbreaking ideas. Brainstorming isn’t just about meeting in conference rooms or jumping on a Zoom call, waiting for that lightbulb moment to appear - there’s a whole lot more to it if done well…

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Emily Pederson · Nov 22, 2023

Conversations with Chatbots & Generating Prompts with ChatGPT

You can talk about everything under the sun with generative AI chatbots, from brainstorming names for your fantasy football team to recommending team-building ideas. They're your 24/7 conversational partners, ready for any topic you throw their way! (But maybe don’t try asking them to dinner.) Clear communication is the key to making the most out of conversations with chatbots in campaigns and when generating content.

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Bridget Deutz · Nov 14, 2023