If you read our last post, you might be wondering which tactics you can use to actually update your website. We’ve already told you about signs that you should be updating your website, but don’t worry, we aren’t going to leave you hanging. We’ve compiled a list of the ins and outs of updating your website content to get you started.
Before we get into it, though, we should note: “content” doesn’t only refer to the copy or words on your website. When we say “content” we’re referring to the information as a whole - however it’s absorbed - words, images, videos.
the basics
1. This tip is the most important: make sure your website is up to date and working properly. It might seem like a given, but some have websites with tools or functionalities no longer working; this can be a reason why consumers don’t trust your business or website. Updated and professional content is a great way to gain trust. Evaluate what content you currently have on your website and decide what you want to keep and what you should add.
2. Just like blogging, you need to stay on top of your updates. Jorge Sheffy, website designer, says you should be updating your website as often as you can. He mentioned you should aim for monthly, if not weekly. We aren’t necessarily talking about updating the visual look of your website, but more so the content and articles. Your website isn’t something you can forget about once it goes live; it needs love and attention on a regular basis.
3. Don’t forget the blog! Maintaining a business blog can be just the thing you need to increase your website traffic. By having a business blog, you can cash in on many benefits. One is an increase to your SEO. Blogging is a common way to update content on your website often. If most of your other content is static information, a blog is a great way to be seen and present online.
mix it up

2. There are always new website trends emerging. It can be fun and rewarding to try something new to stand out against competitors. Using different content formats can be a great way to freshen up your website. Some creative ideas include (but aren’t limited to): customer testimonials, interviews with experts, videos (more on this below), fun infographics, and links to social media platforms.
3. Find a way to incorporate your brand’s personality within your website. Generally speaking, your social media platforms usually take on some sort of persona to humanize your business. Don’t be afraid to do the same with your website. There’s nothing worse than putting dry or vague content on your website for visitors to ignore. Need some ideas with where to start with a consistent brand personality? Kapost’s blog lists a few “website voice” ideas to get you brainstorming.
visual design matters
1. Your website is likely one of the first impressions someone will have of your business. It is crucial you have information easily accessible, with a visually appealing layout. Accessibility and visual design are two very important features that could ultimately keep an individual interested. Website design is sometimes a tricky thing to put a finger on. Do you want to be traditional or eye-catching and original? If you’re unsure where to start with website design, reach out.
2. Choosing visually appealing and relevant photos for your website can really spice things up. An outdated photo or video can change the entire look of your website. If you have photos, don’t let them become ancient artifacts on your website. Try to update photos every so often, for old and new customers. Returning customers will enjoy the change of scenery and new customers will be impressed with the polished look.
3. Having video content on your website is a useful way to keep visitors engaged and get them interested in what else your business has to offer. If you are already creating video content, don’t forget it can be just as useful to have those videos on your website, as well as your social media.
At the end of the day, your website is the face of your brand. It is a place where old and new customers come back to to educate themselves on your business as well as the products and services you offer. 92% of consumers look at your website when choosing which brand to use. Once you know what you’d like to add or change, the process may not seem as daunting.