Bridget Deutz

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12 Digital Marketing FAQs, Answered
Digital marketing can seem like a self-explanatory, simple term. But once you start to unpack the tactics and strategies that come with it, there tends to be questions that arise. Below are some of the digital marketing FAQs we’ve heard from clients and questions that are buzzing around on social media.
Creating a 2020 Marketing Plan? Here's Our Top 5 Tips
Some tasks in life seem so big and so overwhelming you just don’t know where to begin. Am I right? Whether it’s painting a room in your house, teaching your kids how to drive, buying a new car, or even creating a yearly marketing plan… it’s not always a simple undertaking.
Video Marketing 101: What it is, How to Get Started, & Why it Matters
Think back to the last video you saw. I’m guessing it was while you were scrolling through a social feed - and chances are you remember that video with a good amount of detail. As digital consumers, we see countless videos throughout the course of one day. Our eyes are attracted to movement so it makes sense we would be more likely to receive a message via video rather than a static ad or message.
5 Digital Marketing Tactics to Budget for in 2020
The year 2020 is quickly approaching. In fact, we’re officially five weeks out ... FIVE WEEKS! Each winter, the new year creeps up and it's hard to keep up with tasks that come with the new territory. Budgeting for business expenses and investments is a crucial task to make time for. Budgeting helps you get an accurate reading of ROI and it helps your day-to-day marketing tasks run smoothly.
Marketing Automation, Explained
Marketing doesn’t get much better than seeing results while only doing part of the work. How about a software that organizes and helps plan marketing activities for you? Sound too good to be true? It’s not. Marketing automation is here and this useful marketing tool isn’t going anywhere anytime soon … and the statistics are there to prove it.
Top 3 Reasons Why You Need a Business Blog
It’s hard to consider starting a blog for your business when everyone (and their mother) has their own blog now. I don’t blame you for thinking, “It couldn’t possibly be useful in today’s society where blogs are created left and right for arbitrary reasons.” But business owners - both large and small - who are blogging, might be onto something.