A Line from Greenline

Meet the New Buzzword on the Block: Marketing Attribution

Looking for a test that can pinpoint your most impactful Instagram post? A marketing report that can show you exactly what motivates your target consumer to buy? A system that will consistently improve your content and marketing intelligence? You’ve come to the right place; pull up a chair and learn a bit more about marketing attribution models.

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Bridget Deutz · Dec 22, 2020

3 Surprising Tips to Make Your Business Stand Out (That Shouldn't Be Surprising)

Aristotle said: “Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom.” We say: “Knowing your business is the beginning of all marketing success.” Taking time to reflect and be still can seem revolutionary in a fast-moving, impatient world. Intentional introspection will keep you in tune with all aspects of your business, and in turn, with your customers too. This is just the first of many tips we recommend to businesses that want to stand out in authentic and unique ways. 

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Bridget Deutz · Dec 14, 2020

Social Media Marketing: Each Generation’s Preferred Platform

When Kobe Bryant died, a friend told me his mom read the sad news on Facebook, he discovered it on Instagram, his eldest daughter on Snapchat, and his youngest son on TikTok. It really got me thinking about how each generation uses social media based on their interests, preferences, and demographics. So, I wrote this blog to explore the various social media platforms that each American generation prefers to use, and the purposes for which they use them.

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Bridget Deutz · Dec 9, 2020

2020 Marketing Stats You Need to know for 2021

The global pandemic and fight for racial justice rocked our world in 2020. It's only natural that literal social change in our physical world should result in changes in the digital world and in the realms of social media too. Here are some things you should know about marketing in 2020 that will better prepare you for marketing in 2021...

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Bridget Deutz · Nov 25, 2020

The Ins and Outs of A/B Testing

BrightEdge cites benefits of A/B testing to include improved user engagement, improved content, reduced bounce rates, increased sales, and conversion rates. So what exactly is this magical type of testing?

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Bridget Deutz · Nov 12, 2020

How to use #Hashtags to Increase Reach Across Various Platforms

Though this symbol has many names (number sign, pound sign, hash,) it wasn’t until 2007 it was first used as a method of creating channels in social media. In August of that year, a Twitter user named Chris Messina published a blog post advocating for hashtag channels of communication on Twitter. He intended for them to act as metadata for tweets. In other words, he proposed they provide extra information about where you are or what event you’re referring to. Fast forward to 2020 and the hashtag is now an integrated piece of Twitter’s identity, and nearly every other social media platform as well. 

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Bridget Deutz · Nov 4, 2020