Top 5 Online Marketing Trends of 2020
Each new year brings new trends. From coconut milk, to cronuts, to crop tops, to custom content - times are always changing. Yes, content marketing fits in the same sentence as food and fashion trends; even the marketing world evolves.
Email Marketing Isn't Dead! 4 Ways it Plays a Vital Role in Digital Marketing Strategy
The first email was sent in the 1970’s by a man named Ray Tomlinson. That forever changed how people communicated and soon, how people would market their products and services. I think we can all agree it’s not unusual to get several emails a day from brands and companies with content about products and services, ongoing promotions, or just an informational product email.
3 Reasons You Need to Utilize Marketing Analytics
In a world where digital marketing is the name of the game, there’s a star player who gets underestimated. Marketing analytics is often swept under the rug and forgotten about. But how can you improve and see results if you don’t know what you’re trying to improve on? Knowing your strengths and weaknesses can make a difference in how you carry on with your marketing efforts.
Lead Generation: What, Why, & How
It’s important to keep tabs on who your audience is, what they are interested in, and ultimately how your business can build a relationship with them. Providing potential customers with information, tools, and assistance they need can make a huge difference in your sales. In fact, nurtured leads produce a 20% increase in sales opportunities - and businesses who nurture their leads along the way make 50% more sales at a cost 33% less than non-nurtured prospects. But, before we get into the benefits of this marketing tactic, let’s start from the beginning...
12 Digital Marketing FAQs, Answered
Digital marketing can seem like a self-explanatory, simple term. But once you start to unpack the tactics and strategies that come with it, there tends to be questions that arise. Below are some of the digital marketing FAQs we’ve heard from clients and questions that are buzzing around on social media.
Creating a 2020 Marketing Plan? Here's Our Top 5 Tips
Some tasks in life seem so big and so overwhelming you just don’t know where to begin. Am I right? Whether it’s painting a room in your house, teaching your kids how to drive, buying a new car, or even creating a yearly marketing plan… it’s not always a simple undertaking.