Bridget Deutz
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Marketing Gets Real; Authenticity over Perfection
Perfection is so last year. These days everyone is more concerned with what’s real, rather than perfect. Things are much more fun that way, so we’re all for authenticity! Authentic marketing is being on the same page as your audience. 86% of consumers say authenticity is a critical factor in deciding which companies they like and support. After all, customers are much more interested in supporting companies that share their values and show their true colors.
The Rise + Importance of Video Content in 2023
Lights, Camera, Action! The time to develop your video strategy is now. Video is a huge element in the digital landscape today. 82% of the content created globally will be in the form of videos by 2023. Harnessing your video content to appeal to this audience requires you to keep up with the video trends we see today, as well as predict what’s coming next. Video content is its own unique art form, and trying new things is received with a warm welcome by the audience.
7 Ways to Implement a Mobile First Experience
If you’re reading this right now, there’s over a 55% chance that you’re doing so on a mobile device. Enhancing your audience’s digital experience by optimizing for mobile elevates their engagement. Responsive design focuses on making sure that your audience can access everything smoothly on their mobile devices. Your website, as well as other platforms, won’t see a lot of success if it’s not optimized for mobile. So make sure all of the buttons, text, images, pages and all other elements are cohesive.
8 Tips for Creating Reels for Engagement
There’s no question about the growing popularity of Instagram Reels. Meta reports that 675.3 million users can be reached with ads on Instagram Reels, this number is only rising as Reels have become Instagram’s fastest-growing feature worldwide. In 2022, users’ interest in Reels has surpassed even Instagram Stories. Reels are a great tool for businesses of all shapes and sizes to engage with potential clients. With over 1 billion active users on Instagram, businesses are devoting ample resources to engaging their audiences in new ways. The fun and easy-to-absorb nature of Instagram Reels is pushing brands to think outside the box.
Is Downloadable Content Dead? 4 Insights on Online Offers
Struggling with lead generation? You’re not alone; 68% of B2B businesses have this same frustration. When it comes to generating inbound leads, downloadable content opens the door to connecting and collecting information about your audience. Offering the right content to your clients is the key to generating leads and increasing conversions. For people looking to gain insight into your industry downloadable content can be the ticket.
Everything You Need to Know About Ephemeral Content Marketing
FOMO, we all get it sometimes. No one wants to miss out on what’s going on around them both in real life and on social media. Ephemeral content creatively capitalizes on this feeling. 56% of people are afraid of missing out on events, news, and other important status updates if they are away from their phones. It’s no coincidence that 51% of people visit social media more often than they did two years ago.