A Line from Greenline

Quality over Quantity: The Secret to Killer Content

Quality content helps you generate and nurture quality leads. Over 80% of marketers view quality content as a crucial competitive differentiator: even more so than originality, distribution, or promotion. Quality content is powerful and meets your potential clients at the right point of their buyer’s journey and provides them with the information they need.

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Bridget Deutz · Mar 1, 2023

Remote Work: Expectation vs. Reality, an Intern's Perspective

In addition to interning for Greenline, I spent the last four months of 2022 exploring Greece and traveling all around Europe. This incredible experience taught me countless things about the world - as well as remote work. Sitting in a cafe in Athens, Greece inspired me on a different level. When experiencing new things, you’re fostering new ways of thinking and creating. Now, I continue my internship with a new view on remote work.

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Claire Fredrickson · Feb 23, 2023

What is Chat GPT? And Other FAQs about the New Chat AI

We’ve all had conversations with a virtual assistant or chatbot, Chat GPT is the epitome of this AI technology. The new type of artificial intelligence (AI) can understand and generate natural language text.

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Emily Pederson · Feb 15, 2023

8 Tips for Keeping up with Market Trends

Your influence as an industry thought leader relies on your ability to keep discovering. To maintain a certain level of expertise, we know it’s imperative to stay up to date with current trends and trending topics by learning more about your industry, the state of the industry’s market, and really - the world in general. All of this information can help you (and thus your sales and marketing strategy) not only stay fresh but also spark new ideas.

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Emily Pederson · Feb 6, 2023

Add Digital Self-Care to Your 2023 Resolutions

Taking care of yourself goes beyond a facial and massage. Whether it’s for work or personal reasons, most of us spend a lot of time on our computers and other devices. With all of the time that we spend digitally creating, communicating, and consuming content comes an endless pile of data. Set aside some time to get yourself and your digital devices organized and refreshed.

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Bridget Deutz · Jan 31, 2023

Short Form Video is the New Black

Short form video opens new doors for digital marketers. In 2023, Social ads, particularly short-form videos, are predicted to generate more ad revenue than any other platform. The duration of short form videos gets straight to the point. Studies show that social media video content under 60 seconds retains 60% of the audience by the end. This percentage increases to 80% when the length is 30 seconds. Stand out against the sea of content by engaging your audience with short-form videos.

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Bridget Deutz · Jan 23, 2023