A Line from Greenline

How to use #Hashtags to Increase Reach Across Various Platforms

Though this symbol has many names (number sign, pound sign, hash,) it wasn’t until 2007 it was first used as a method of creating channels in social media. In August of that year, a Twitter user named Chris Messina published a blog post advocating for hashtag channels of communication on Twitter. He intended for them to act as metadata for tweets. In other words, he proposed they provide extra information about where you are or what event you’re referring to. Fast forward to 2020 and the hashtag is now an integrated piece of Twitter’s identity, and nearly every other social media platform as well. 

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Bridget Deutz · Nov 4, 2020

Planning for Marketing in 2021

The new year is a perfect time to pause, evaluate growth, and shift gears in order to achieve bigger, better goals in the coming months. This is true for personal aspirations, but vital for your business marketing strategy. In this blog, we'll walk through how to assess your 2020 marketing results and gearing up to set smart, strategic goals for the year to come.

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Bridget Deutz · Oct 28, 2020

The Power of Testimonials in Marketing

We all know how “word of mouth” works; you like a product or service, and you let your friends know how great it was. With the wide-spread use of digital communication, social media, and technology as a whole, virtually every business has a website or social profile, so this idea of “word of mouth” is even more important. Testimonials can make or break you.

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Bridget Deutz · Aug 27, 2020

Email Marketing Series - #6: Email Marketing Reporting + Analysis

We’ve gone over the basics of how to create a marketing strategy, email subject lines, email list creation, email marketing call-to-actions, and images and video in emails. Now it’s time to address how to assess the success of an email marketing strategy.

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Bridget Deutz · Jun 22, 2020

Email Marketing Series - #5: Image + Video in Email Marketing

We’ve covered a variety of different aspects in our email marketing series - here’s a quick reference list:

  1. Email Marketing Strategy
  2. Email Subject Lines
  3. Email Marketing List Creation
  4. Effective Email Marketing CTAs

Now it’s time to get into the nitty-gritty. Email marketing is a tried and true way of providing a specific message to your audience, but you won’t get very far if your email contains ONLY text. 65% of your audience are visual learners...you can’t disregard the benefits of using photos and videos in your email marketing tactics. 

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Bridget Deutz · Jun 4, 2020

Email Marketing Series - #4: 9 Tips for Effective Email Marketing CTAs

Having impactful call to actions (CTAs) in your emails creates an opportunity for readers to engage with your content and take a suggested next step. A CTA is some sort of content - typically a button - intended to get viewers to perform a certain action that logically follows the email content, such as “Learn More” or “Download Now”.

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Bridget Deutz · May 27, 2020